I call it a challenge (Bookworm Challenge - February ed. 2011)

IF I went to architecture, it must be now I'm busy drawing sketches of the house, not even messing tweaking electrical circuit like this. 
IF I had medical school, surely I'm making love with biology and have already broken up with calculus and physics. 
IF  I went to college in Yogyakarta, surely on an-only-one-day-holiday  I must have come home, not just keep in silence in the room alone like this.
IF I was in Solo, surely I was fast asleep at this hour, not counting this month finance to survive.
IF I was still at home, surely the middle of the night like this I was fast asleep in my comfortable bed, not still busy thinking about what tasks should be collected tomorrow morning.
IF I was still at home, certainly today I've eaten three times a day, rather than trying to keep myself busy to forget the hunger.
But IF only all of the things above occur, 
I would not know the 400 masters of science in School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics.
I would not know the 100 fighters of BIUS the agents of change. 
I would not know dozens of artists in Perkumpulan Seni Tari dan Karawitan. 
I would not know dozens of professional crews on the radio community 8EH Radio ITB.
I would not know dozens of music lovers who are very disciplined and resilient in Marching Band Waditra Ganesha.
All the things that happened to me now , I call it a challenge
And I promise that I will defeat this challenge. 
I will win!

Bandung, 15 February 2011
Hesti Nuraini

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