metamorf: I ♥ March (Bookworm Challenge - March ed. 2011)

What's on your mind if March comes?
If you ask this question to me, I'll answer : wonderful!
Yep. because March is always great for me.
Because on March I grow up and get older.
and on March this year I get a lot of new experiences .
On the first week, I move from asrama to live with my family from Solo.
This is the first time I live stand alone in a house without my parents.
Then on the second week there is a super event at campus,
'Ganesha Membatik' and I become one of the committee.
There are around a tousand people who join in it.
I'm so proud can be one of the part of this event
because this event intent on keeping our batik as indonesian heritage.
On the day after that, I am asked to lead my marching band team in event closing TPB cup.
This is as the  requisite for allowing me to be one of the oficial member of the team, Marching Band Waditra Ganesha
I learn a lot from this experience.
This challenge teach me how to be a good leader and also a good decision maker.
This March also colored by the UTS that examine my ability to manage the time.
Then the 22nd of March coming,
The day I always waiting for.
The day I grow up and get older.
The day when my time in the world is lessen one year.
The day which make me realize that I have so many people around who really care with me.
The day i hope that I can be the better one on the future days.
To be old is a certainty but to be mature is a choice.
so thats all why I love March!

*There is no bookworm challenge this month but I keep on writing my own bookworm in order that I can complete a full year bookworm-writting :)

Bandung, 31 March 2011
Hesti Nuraini

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